The Double D Ranch Tales

The Double D Ranch Tales ~ Fictional tales set on a fictional ranch and other locales in southern Nevada. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. ~ Happy Reading!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

We love Evernight Publishing! Happy 4th B-day Evernight! @evernightpub #BDayBashBlogHop

Roll out the Red Carpet ~ Evernight celebrates four years of publishing!
Join authors, bloggers and reviewers as we take a RED CARPET tour featuring Evernight's smart and sexy books. Slip on your virtual stilettos and walk the red carpet of award winning titles, spectacular reviews, and paparazzi style interviews.
Be sure to visit every stop on the tour where you can enter for a chance to win great prizes, including a new eReader, gift certificates, swag, books and much more! For links to the participating authors and bloggers CLICK HERE or use the links at the end of the post.
Don't forget to visit the Evernight Publishing website where all eBooks are 50% off through October 13th!
Now I turn the spotlight on our smart and sexy books...
Our thoughts on Evernight Publishing
* As authors, we're thrilled to share our stories with you, the readers, and Evernight helps make our books shine! Here’s why we love Evernight Publishing:
* RM & I were quite happy to be picked up by Evernight Publishing. We heard about the company through a friend of hers, and after our first book had been turned down by a couple of other places, we submitted there. The rest is history! We now have three stories in the Double D Ranch Tales series available through Evernight and have several more in various stages of development. Yay! Our experience at Evernight has been wonderful—from the support of the publisher to the cover art to the promotion to the support of other authors and so on. We’ve also received some great reviews on our stories. In fact, some of the positive feedback we’ve gotten is in direct contrast to the reasons why the first publisher we sent our story to rejected it. See? Just because one place doesn’t think you’re a fit or a particular person doesn’t like it, doesn’t mean that the story is garbage.
* Want to read the wonderful reviews? Visit these links:
Wild West Weekend | Wild West Hauntings | Wild West Promise
You can keep updated about us and our books at our websites: C.R. Moss | RM Sotera
Now for the good stuff!
Answer our question, which is provided below, in the comment section for a chance to win (be sure to include your name and email address so if you win we can contact you):
* Your choice of an Amazon Kindle Fire HD or Kobo Arc 7
* $100 Amazon GC
* $50 Evernight GC
* Our blog prize: A $5.00 Evernight Publishing gift certificate
Question: Have you ever reached a goal that you thought to be impossible or that people told you would be impossible to do or said no on?
* Please note, if you do not answer the question above or you just copy and paste someone else's answer, you will be disqualified from winning any of the prizes.
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy the hop!
C.R. Moss & RM Sotera
Hop to the next spot here:
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

'The Cowboy Imports a Bride' by @CoraSeton @GoddessFish #western #romance #100GC

Today we have author Cora Seton visiting. Welcome!

What would you like to tell readers about yourself?
* Cora Seton loves cowboys, country life, gardening, bike-riding, and lazing around with a good book. Mother of four, wife to a computer programmer/eco-farmer, she ditched her California lifestyle nine years ago and moved to a remote logging town in northwestern British Columbia.
* Like the characters in her novels, Cora enjoys old-fashioned pursuits and modern technology, spending mornings transforming a neglected one-acre lot into a paradise of orchards, berry bushes and market gardens, and afternoons writing the latest Chance Creek romance novel on her iPad mini. Visit her at the links below to read about new releases, contests and other cool events!

What are you going to tell us about today?
* My story The Cowboy Imports a Bride . It's one of the stories in my series: Cowboys of Chance Creek.

A look into the story
~ Blurb ~
* Rob Matheson's a fighter. Flattening enemies with his fists or with his legendary practical jokes, he's a tough enemy, and a troublesome friend. But Rob doesn't know how much longer he can keep up the act. As his buddies get married one by one, he's left with his lonely life - and the sinking feeling he lost more than his dreams when he traded them for a thick skin. Now Rob's father has issued a challenge - he'll give 200 acres of prime Montana ranchland to the first of his four sons to wed. No conditions, no meddling. Could this be a chance to become the man he really wants to be?
* Morgan Tate's worked for years to climb the ladder to a top job at Cassidy Wineries, but Duncan Cassidy, the boss' son, always stands in her way. Now he's issued an ultimatum; marry him or he'll make sure she never works in the wine industry again. Morgan wants marriage - and a family - but not with Duncan. A certain cowboy in Chance Creek, Montana, has stolen her heart.
* When Rob offers Morgan a proposition - marry him and split the land - they both find themselves with an ethical dilemma. They don't know each other well enough to wed, but they can't lie about their intentions before God and man, either.
* Now they've got sixty days to fall in love, and a passel of family and friends determined to keep them apart. The victims of Rob's previous jokes are lining up to get their revenge, and Morgan's half-sister, Claire, is stirring up their mother's past.
* Will it take the biggest practical joke of all to convince the world - and themselves - that they're truly meant to be man and wife?
~ Excerpt ~
* “So, one thing,” Rob said carefully. “My Dad's going to give us some land as a wedding gift, and I promised Morgan we'd use half of it to start a vineyard.”
* “You're going to grow grapes in Montana?”
* “Yeah—I looked into it. It's possible.”
* “Seems like a silly thing to do. Cattle's way more profitable.”
* Rob tamped down on the irritation that surged within him. He'd expected Ethan, at least, to be supportive. “She's my bride. I want to make her happy.”
* That shut Ethan up. “Okay. I guess I see your point.”
* “Anyway, for my gift to Morgan I'm giving her a down payment for her business. I want her to have everything she'll need to get prepared for next spring. Between tilling, rootstock, stakes and wires and the rest of it, she estimates it'll take twenty grand above and beyond what she's got to get things started.”
* “You got that kind of cash kicking around?”
* Rob sighed. “You know I don't. Dad gives us room and board, but not much extra. I got a truck payment and a running tab down at the Boot. I figure I've got about eight thousand in the bank.”
* “In other words you're looking for either a handout or for work,” Ethan said. “I've got work, but I don't pay twelve grand a month.”
* “I know, buddy. I'm hoping you have some ideas about who might.”
* Ethan was silent for a while. “You know, with all this settling down and wanting a job, I'm not sure I know who you are anymore.”
* “Ethan,” Rob growled.
* “All right, all right—I'll think it over and let you know what I come up with. Meanwhile, I've got one thing to say to you.” Suddenly, Ethan sounded dead serious.
* “What's that?”
* “If you hurt my sister, you're going to be in a world of pain.”

Buy Cowboys of Chance Creek stories here...
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | All Romance eBooks

Find Cora Seton here...
Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Thank you for joining us here today, Cora Seton! It was a pleasure getting to know you and your story.

ANNOUNCEMENT! Cora will award a $100 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour! So be sure to visit the OFFICIAL tour stops & leave your name and email with your comment. Find the OFFICIAL tour stops here: goddessfishpromotions-cowboys-of-chance-creek) for a greater chance of winning! Comments on this blog do not count toward the prize.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Love Scene Blog Hop (& MWT 2/12) w. @evernightpub 4 #valentinesday #lovescene #erotic @rmsotera
Hi all! RM and I are happy to share a hot scene from our Evernight Publishing book, Wild West Promise, for the Evernight Publishing Love Hop in celebration of Valentine's Day. Evernight is offering a grand prize - a $100 Visa gift card - to one lucky commenter drawn from all the comments made at all the blogs. So the more blogs you comment on, the more chances you have to win! RM and I are also offering a prize - a $10 Evernight Publishing Gift Certificate - to one lucky commenter. So be sure to leave a comment telling us your most memorable Valentine's Day (whether good or bad) along with your email address to enter for the prizes! And be sure to visit the other hoppers (links below in the first list) for more chances to win!
Here's a hot scene between Kent and Maggie, the hero and heroine of Wild West Promise...
....“I struggled last night, and I’ve fought my feelings all morning to keep my hands off you,” his deep voice murmured against her ear. He pressed his pelvic region against her ass. “And as you may notice, I’m losin’ the fight.”
....She smoothed her hands over his. Soft and supple they were not. Kent’s palms and fingers held weathered signs of a man who worked the land. She wanted them touching her, all over her body. She wanted the hard cock pressing against her back out of his jeans and sliding in and out of her pussy. Squeezing his hands sent his lips against her ear followed by a sweet lingering kiss.
....“Maggie…I can’t give you what you probably want…a relationship…but I can give you what you need.”
....Still snug in his arms, she half turned. “How do you know what I want?”
....“Doesn’t every woman want more than one moment? I’m really starting to like you, and the last thing I want to do is hurt you. Thing is, I’m not a relationship kinda guy.”
....Honestly, she didn’t want or need forever, especially after the way she’d been treated in her marriage and put through hell five years ago during her divorce. On top of that, she’d endured one disastrous affair after another when she entered the dating world. She just wanted right now. The urge to feel desired, revered and break her multi-month dry spell propelled her. The warmth running through her body intensified at the thought of him making love to her.
....Finishing the turn, she faced him. “I promise the only concern on my mind, my only want today, is to have you screaming my name with passion within the hour.” The truth in her words made her pulse pound so quickly and thoroughly that the vibrations moved through her neck in droves.
....His beautiful chocolate gaze bore into hers. He pressed their bodies together tighter. “Are you sure? I don’t want to upset you, Mags.”
....“Kent, I’m a big girl. I have lots of dating experiences on my resume. Believe me, I truly appreciate your concern, but if I didn’t think I could handle something short and sweet between us, I wouldn’t be here right now.” She reached up, flicked off his hat and ran her fingers through his thick hair. The locks’ softness surprised her. Such a contradiction. Rugged, work-worn man. Luxurious hair. Who knew?
....“Darlin’, you’re like no woman I’ve ever known.”
....His voice rolled from him like the rumble of distant thunder and reverberated through her, enflaming her desire for him even more. Offering a sexy smile, she ran the tip of her finger along his stubbled jaw line. “Your life is here. Mine, for the most part, is in Philadelphia. Just as you can’t guarantee me anything, I can’t with you either. Except to give you my all in the moments of time we do have with each other.”
....Tired of words and idle chatter, she palmed the sides of his head and locked her lips with his. At first, she sensed a harnessed control from him, but as she coaxed her mouth and then her tongue over his, his restraint faltered. His lips seduced hers with a ravishing need, kissed her like there was no tomorrow. She pushed the fact that there wouldn’t be one from her mind and met his searching tongue with her own.
....His hard cock pulsated against her belly as his arms cradled her in a seductive cage. Any concerns she might have had about a fling with the cowboy crushed under the lust bursting forth inside her with enough power to disintegrate all worries.
....She wanted to touch and taste him everywhere. Twice. Three times. As many as it’d take to commit every luscious muscle, dip and curve to memory.
....When she thought the sheer sparks of ecstasy shifting through their kiss would ignite them into flames, she pulled away. “I want you. Now.”
....“Good. Cause I’m ready to scream your name. Just like you requested.” Kent removed her long-sleeved shirt then slipped his hand under the back of her tank top and tried to unhook her bra.
....“Wait.” Maggie grasped his arms, stopping his movements.
....“Don’t you mean more?” he whispered and then chuckled.
....She slid her hands toward his and directed them around to her breasts. “It hooks in the front.”
....“Oh, one of those.” His deft fingers unfastened the hooks and released her mounds into waiting hands. The firm warmth of his lips on her shoulder combined with the swirling movement of his tongue toward her breastbone made her groan deep in the throat.
....“Oh, Kent. More please.”
....“Your wish is my command, darlin’.” In a flash, he pulled her top off, shucked her bra to the side, and had her up into his arms.
....Kent carried her to the small bunk and laid her down. Desire and lust unfurled in her as he held her close and nuzzled the valley between her tits, licking and nipping at the delicate area. When he reached for her ponytail and tightened his hand around it, she hummed louder. His lips ravaged hers again. She arched her back, brushing against him and giving herself up to the aphrodisiac of his touch and kiss.
....His hands explored her curves with possessive hunger, moving ever so gently across her hardened nipples. Warmth pulsated through her, sent her pulse racing, and narrowed her focus until all she could think of was him filling her with his cock.
....Maggie pushed his hands to the snap of her jeans. “Take them off now. Please!”
....“My, my. Slow and easy, darlin’.” Kent’s harsh, lust filled voice and sultry laughter flowed over her. “But then…” With a wicked grin, he unsnapped her jeans and yanked them down her legs. Seconds later, he ripped off her panties and touched the soft wiry hairs at the junction of her thighs.
....Passion overriding logic, she didn’t care that he tore her underwear, she just wanted him. Kent slipped his fingers into her canal. On a whimper, she closed her eyes, reveling in how his skillful fingers stroked and glided amongst her nether lips. The moment his thumb circled and massaged her clit, everything inside her clenched with excitement and desperate need.
....“You are so wet. Mmm…”
....His words were the heroin she needed, shooting her up with more desire and heightening all her senses beyond belief. Colors became crisper. She breathed in his scents of leather and earth and smelled the spicy undertones of his aftershave. Her fingers tingled against his starchy shirt and rough jeans. Everywhere he touched her, zings of electricity bolted through her. She stared up at him.
....Light blazed in his eyes, then grew dark and hypnotizing with pleasure. “Maggie, darlin’, you’re fucking me with your gaze.”
....Enough with foreplay. She didn’t want to wait any longer, nor be the only one in a birthday suit. “I do believe we need to get you out of those clothes, cowboy.”

Buy Wild West Promise & the other Wild West books here: Evernight Publishing
Thanks for stopping by!
Here's the list for the other hoppers. The more places you visit & leave comments at ~ the more chances you have of winning some great stuff! Have fun!
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This post is also doubling as my Mid Week Tease for February 12. What is Mid Week Tease? Mid Week Tease is an event where authors are spotlighting a few lines or a paragraph or two from their stories. Readers, you get to sample some delicious snippets and be teased, titillated and tantalized into the weekend!
Visit these other wonderful authors for more MWT goodness!